Charities & Giving
Although many organisations give to charities and promote this, we are passionate about this. We don't want to use this as a marketing tool, but we think it is important that you know what we are about.
10% of our profit is given to charities, aid organisations and other not-for-profit organisations here in Australia and overseas.
All of our staff have spent time overseas in orphanages and in disaster relief areas, and we think this is important to understand what a priviledge it is for us to work here in Australia.
We have teamed up with NAB and McDonalds in the past and helped the Ilhan Foundation, The Hope Foundation, DreamTrack, ADRA, World Vision, Movember, 25000 Spins and many others.
As a passionate golfer, the director of The Netconn Group has also partnered with many pro-golfers in charity endeavours, and our company is a founding member and sponsors an annual golf charity day at Pacific Harbour Golf Club each September to raise money for charity.
Click here to download our 2015 Sponsorship Document for the Big Camp Open Charity Golf day in September at Pacific Harbour Golf Course.